Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon

Mr Reza Mobasheri
Caudal Epidural
Information about your procedure:
The intervertebral disc is the structure between the vertebrae (bones of the spine). It acts as both a spacer and a shock absorber. Imaging techniques, such as an MRI scan, can reveal small disc bulges and / or wear and tear in the spine with possible nerve irritation or inflammation. This can cause pain down the leg in the area that the nerve supplies.
Sciatic nerve root inflammation can be an extremely painful and debilitating condition. The pain generally goes below the knee and is felt in the area of the leg that the particular spinal nerve supplies. Although most people’s pain will settle in time without the need for surgery, in the short term, delivery of anti-inflammatory medicine direct to the source of irritation around the spinal nerve roots is beneficial and can provide excellent pain relief and help your surgeon understand your condition. In a caudal epidural injection, the aim is to deliver the medication around the lower lumbar and upper sacral nerves roots, which as often involved in back pain and symptoms in the legs such as pain.
About the procedure
The procedure is carried out under intravenous sedation and with the patient lying on their stomach. The skin on the back is cleaned with antiseptic solution. Live X-ray and contrast (which is a kind of dye that the x-ray can visualise) are used as guidance to direct the needle to the epidural space in the sacrum before a small volume of corticosteroid and / or local anaesthetic is injected.
Once the numbness has worn off often the pain returns, occasionally slightly worse, until the corticosteroid takes effect. This can take several days. Continue to take your usual pain relief medication until you begin to feel the benefit of the corticosteroid.
It is important not to stop taking certain pain relief medication suddenly. It may be necessary to gradually ‘wean’ yourself off them – your GP can advise you if necessary.
Risks and complications
Fortunately, there are very few risks associated with nerve root block. Very uncommon risks involve: infection, nerve or dural injury (the membrane around the nerves), bleeding and temporary loss of control to your bladder/bowel.

What to expect in hospital
Immediately after the injection you will be taken on your bed to the recovery ward where nurses will monitor your blood pressure and pulse. Oxygen may be given to you through a facemask to help you wake up after the sedation. Once back on the ward and when you are fully awake you will be allowed to get out of bed (taking care if some numbness or heaviness persists).
Going home
You will normally be allowed home a few hours after your injection, when you and your nurse are happy with your mobility. Please arrange for either a friend or relative to collect you from the hospital, as driving yourself or taking public transport is not advised for 48 hours after the sedation. A responsible adult should remain with you overnight.
Sick leave
In general, you may return to work on the next day if this is sedentary and provided that you are comfortable.
We will provide a sick note at your request on the day of the procedure, if necessary.
Follow up
Normally between 4 to 6 weeks